Sunday, October 28, 2007

Random thoughts on the usual things

377A outcome

I have heard that two of my friends who are gays will like to leave Singapore if they can. At least one of them is a very nice person and I hate that he might feel this way.,etc. These two gays friends could well be representative of how Singaporean gays in general feel (not sure about that). Some of those who like to leave will eventually do so. The inability to pursue one's version of happiness without being labeled a criminal is one thing, a stream and barrage of torrid and unwarranted abuse in the public arena is another. One is somewhat institutional - the other, deeply personal. IF the state does not want our smart, intelligent, creative, educated Singaporeans to have another good reason to leave the country...I think they probably need to do more than say "there is space." Getting insulted so badly is psychologically rather scarring, especially when the state seems to be siding with those doing the 'insulting'. Sadness.

Put it this way. People who oppose the repeal really have no where else to go to find such a law in place. Lets face it, there are few modern countries left in this world who have such a law. On the other hand, those who are gay have lots of 'first world' countries to go to.

Religion and Public Reason

I will like to know how does one "reason" that gays are immoral or perverse without resorting to religion. The word from nature is at best ambiguous and likely to show that there are lots of homosexual activity in the animal kingdom. It is also not considered a medical illness, and little evidence sexuality can be "changed". Have not heard any "public reason" save for appeal to authority (say Kant)

The NIL religion

Apparently lots of Singaporeans belong to the Nil Religion. Census 2000 actually puts this figure at 14.8 percent. This figure has probably has decreased since the NIL religion type since it is probably fertile grounds for conversion but it probably is still huge. In the year 2000, there were more people who were NIL religion than Christians, and just a little less than the number of Muslims (14.9 percent). Surely one should consider the feelings of such a group of people in any debate when religious voices grow too strong.

Warick University

I also just learn that one of the reasons why Warick University did not come to Singapore was because of legislation against gays. Well, as Molly Meek puts it, it just does not make sense to send students to be labeled as criminals. Well, no big deal. Just a few million dollars. What's that education hub thing again? Perhaps it is no big deal during the voting process of whether to bring Warick to Singapore but if you know liberals, I am sure the fact that legislation like 377/A represents real regression. Besides, how many gays voted during the process?

Buddhism and Singapore Buddhists

I will like to know why the Singaporean Buddhists I speak to don't seem to really understand what Buddhism is. Well, at least their version seem to depart quite a bit from what Wikipedia describe Buddhism to be. Do Buddhists believe in a Hell/God/a pantheon of deities? How does Buddhism actually 'spread' in Singapore?

Stomp: Singapore Seen

Random Singaporeans doing random acts like not giving up their seats in trains have their photos taken of all the time it seems. Then there are also the usual photos of Public Display of Affections of varying degrees. The above acts are not illegal. Who are these people who photograph other people doing legal acts which they find "uncomfortable"? I think that taking photos of people who are not in any official capacity "without their knowledge or permission" when they are not doing anything illegal (or for evidence in a trial) is far worse than not giving up seats. In that sense, I find every Stomper who took a photograph of an act which is not illegal without the knowledge of the people (who are not in some official capacity) far more disgusting than their victims. Those Stompers who do so clearly lack basic respect for other human beings. Perhaps its about time schools teach what underlies respect and not rules.

Sunshine Empire

Why do so many Singaporeans buy into Sunshine Empire? I have seen the terms, the plan, and in my opinion, it has the characteristics of a Ponzi scheme. I actually wrote about this company (and how shifty the terms offered were) about 1 year ago on another blog (already closed) and to my amazement it is growing in strength. Gone were the days of grainy presentation though. Now apparently, it is all Hi-Tech and in many countries. Still the same old idea though. The only difference it is now on MAS investor alert list. High time if you ask me.

Casual Sex and Love

I have always thought that the fact that Casual sex as is name suggest should be casual and no love should be involved. Recently learn (not through experience) that it is not as simple.

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