Friday, October 26, 2007

Of Oranges and Milk and Worms

What if Sodomy was Oranges and 'Normal Sex' was Milk?

In Country Durian, a group of concerned citizens have asked that for a repeal of section 881B.

Section 881B
Whether in a private or public place, a Male person shall not drink of orange juice, with another Male person.

A loud outcry ensued and the nation is divided.

Members of the Vanilla camp have argued that drinking of orange juices unlike drinking that of Milk is a Public Health Threat. "Drinking Oranges is far riskier than drinking Milk. If we allow section 881 to be repealed, we will fail to prevent orange related diseases. ", said Dr. Dolittle.

Orange seller Mr O, argued that this does not make sense. "If drinking oranges were so dangerous, we should prohibit both males and females from drinking oranges. That must mean prohibiting drinking of oranges between males and females too! Currently, what we have is just discrimination." Mrs O agreed, "I really love to drink Oranges with Mr O. Its fun and we take precautions. Hee. Its not fair that males and males cannot do it."

The Vanilla camp however were also adamant that it is immoral for males and males to drink oranges together. Mr Green said, "For years drinking Milk between males and females have resulted in a strong family goodness that only Milk can bring. This is the kind of goodness that those drinking orange types like to see end. How unvanilla of them."

Uncle Lee, sipping coffee alone at a Kopitiam, winked at this female reporter and said, "I don't agree. I can drink any liquids - Milk and Oranges - all also can - with any other female of adult age who consented under the current law. Like your good self. Nothing to do with the goodness of the family. But if my wife knows, I will kena slapped - male or female - milk or oranges."

But Cat interjected and purred, "The majority is of the opinion that drinking oranges between males and males is wrong. Further arguments will only cause the Vaniila camp to be angrier. We will not actively enforce the law against drinking oranges between males. You will have space to be orange drinkers."

Uncle Lee blinked and wiggles his tongue at Cat, "Huh? I have been drinking orange juice with so many females for many years now. It might be a little naughty but not criminal. The majority probably thinks I am wrong too. But, I only need permission from Ms. Hot for example." At this point in this, the reporter slapped Uncle Lee.

But he continued "Why then should male and male Orange drinking permission have to receive "space" from you? You are just being cattish lar."

An anonymous male to male orange drinker from across the table commented, "Yucks. Cat, you mean you agree with the reasoning of the Vanilla people? Or you disagree but you decide to follow in any case?"

The debate continues.

Oh yes, BTW, Sexual Orientation Is Genetic in Worms

And lots of homosexual activity among animals

Peace Out

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