Thursday, December 6, 2007

Military Intelligence

Apparently, . If you watch Frontline, you know that the evidence against Iran as a terrorist state was quite weak previously.

This is the timeline.

2002 was the year the Bush administration coined the term "the axis of evil".

This axis of evil theory is I think a simple one. The greatest terrorist threat is when the wrong weapons fall into terrorist hands - because terrorists cells cannot by their very nature build such weapons. That is why North Korea is bad (really 'evil') - they have a long history of selling weapons to other people.

So despite being labelled an evil person, Iran decided not to pursue nuclear **** in 2003. Perhaps it was believed that this was in order that the Bush administration will stop disturbing them. But the Bush Administration did not. They kept on going about how evil Iran was.

Then came the year 2005.

2005 was a pretty interesting year if you follow the crisis. Ahmadinejad came to power with elections backed by the supreme religious leader. His Government is definitely more aggressive than the predecessor - a moderate leadership with reformist tendencies. The new president has issued belligerent statements about this and that for a long time. His declared views of pursing nuclear technology heightened tensions.

It was also the year that the Bush administration believed that Iran was pursing Nuclear *****. This is the report now proven to be wrong.

But if the Iranians will already willing to cooperate by 2003, it is a two year window of opportunity that has already passed for the US to make love, not war, with Iran.

Besides, some say, hardliners won the elections in Iran because of US attitudes towards the moderates.

So in 2007, we have now a military intelligence report saying that they were wrong in 2005 about things in 2003. They plan to change things, eh. Strange. Surely action should be based on evidence currently, not evidence that is based on what they were wrong about in 2003.

Anyway, more importantly, this tells us that the war on terror has not made the world a safer place.

And that we should not trust military intelligence, not in 2005 or in 2007.

What will Iran do now? Will Hawks become doves overnight?

Or more importantly, could there have been a secret agreement nobody knows about? Conspiracy theories. Maybe a moderate government might come to power in Iran soon?

**** Its nuclear something really. Energy/Technology/Weapons - I think the US is totally opposed to all of them which frankly is not very consistent.

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